The Boarding House is home to a wide range of boarders from Tuesday evening to Saturday morning and it is integral the community is a safe, calm and enjoyable one. Therefore it is important that everyone knows and adheres to the House Rules.
The rules of the Boarding House are based around the 3 Cs that are central to general life at St Peter's.
We walk at all times in the boarding house.
We take care of the boarding house and the items within it.
We act sensibly at all times in the boarding house.
We complete homework and music practice that is required to the highest standard.
All mobile phones and electronic devices must be handed in to House Staff. House Staff will give you permission to use these where appropriate in boarding hours.
There is to be no photography of any description in the boarding house. Boarders may access the internet using school computers only.
We must not eat in dormitories
We actively participate in duties that are required for the boarding house to run smoothly
We do not use foul or inappropriate language
We listen to instructions given by House Staff
We celebrate the achievements of other boarders in the community
We respect other boarders' belongings
We try to avoid arguments with other members of the boarding community
We adhere to bed times that are set out by House Staff
We actively offer support to those who need it in the boarding house, especially those who are new to the boarding community.
On a day to day basis, good citizenship and manners are expected and although not necessarily explicitly rewarded, they are recognised and acknowledged. However, boarders who make particular progress, improvements and take the initiative to help others and/or assist with the smooth running of the house, will receive boarders’ merits. Merit associated rewards are constantly reviewed in conjunction with house staff and boarders over the course of the year.
The Rhys Jones Shield is awarded once every full term to the boarder who has been the most helpful and courteous in the boarding house and who has shown excellent citizenship. The winner may take the cup home for the holidays following the presentation and should have it engraved.
High standards of behaviour and contributions to make boarding life happier are encouraged and further rewarded. However there are occasions when warnings are needed and given ahead of sanctions. This enables children to take responsibility for correcting their behaviour. Sanctions are occasionally used in the boarding house and although separate from the main school context, they do align with the whole school Behaviour Policy. (Boarding Behaviour Policy).
If members of the boarding community fail to abide by the rules or continually fall short of expectations, House Staff may impose one of the following sanctions:
A verbal warning
Time out from an activity/dormitory
An entry into the Boarders’ Behaviour Log, explaining their behaviour and what they should do differently
Exclusion from an activity to reflect and re-align behaviour
Break or lunchtime detention
A break from Boarding until behaviours are more suited to the environment
Meeting with a member of the Senior Management Team
To safeguard and promote each child’s welfare.
To provide enriching activities and experiences that give each child opportunities for enjoyment and growth: spiritually, emotionally, intellectually and physically.
To nurture children to develop key character and life skills that promote their independence.
To use common sense, be courteous and show consideration always.
To provide children with comfortable and welcoming accommodation in which they can relax and feel safe and content.
To enable children to understand that respect is at the foundation of everything we do.
A suggestion box is situated in the main hall of the boarding house, where boarders are able to voice any concerns or offer any ideas anonymously.
Nominated Boarding House Ambassadors are exemplary, regular boarders who wish to represent and provide further voice of the boarding community. All boarders should feel comfortable in approaching these individuals with any ideas.
Regular house meetings are held and minuted, which provide boarders with an opportunity to voice any concerns and help House Staff improve the house with some exciting ideas.
At least one member of the boarding house features on the school council and represents boarders views in decisions that are made regarding the whole school.
Children and parents are periodically asked to complete a short questionnaire, which aims to provide opinions and ideas about possible changes to improve the boarding experience at St Peter’s. This is to aid the constant improvement of the boarding house to best suit the needs, interests and development of the children.
Boarders should always be confident voicing their ideas or concerns to House Staff, who are always open to take on board and discuss any suggestions that are made.
If a boarder is particularly upset or troubled by a boarding matter, it is imperative they talk to an appropriate staff member, in order for the issue to be resolved. The Head of Boarding has a responsibility to take all complaints seriously and will do whatever they can to resolve them in a clear and positive way. Any child with a complaint whilst in the Boarding House, should speak to Mr. Friendship in the first instance. If a child is not comfortable talking to the Head of Boarding, they can write the complaint and email it to If the matter still hasn’t reached a satisfactory conclusion, an appointment with the Head, Mrs Johnston, will be arranged.
It is hoped this handbook is a helpful and comprehensive document. However, it is under continuous review to best suit the needs of our boarders, in the context of our boarding house. We strive to make the experience a wholly positive and enriching one for all concerned. We look forward to extending our arm around you as the parents of boarding pupils and working collaboratively on the collective goals of helping the children grow into great individuals. They will surely leave with abundant fond memories and a clutch of new skills to take on their journey, as they carefully navigate our ever-evolving world.