Scholarships recognise outstanding academic, music, art & design, performing arts and sporting ability and potential. They are awarded to pupils in Year 6 for entry into Year 7.
If your child is awarded a St Peter’s scholarship for their time in Years 7 and 8, then we believe that they have the potential to achieve a similar award as entry to their next senior school. We will use their time in Years 7 and 8 to prepare them fully for a scholarship in Year 9 and will endeavour to do our best to help them to achieve this goal.
Scholarships are awarded for the whole of the child’s time in Years 7 and 8 at St Peter's subject to suitable progress. As well as the prestige attached to winning an award, scholars have the opportunity to participate in a wide programme of activities designed to ensure they are supported and encouraged to continue to achieve their full potential.
We no longer offer major or minor scholarships. Scholarships are all awarded with a 10% academic fee discount.
Means-tested bursaries are also available for pupils whose parents would not be able to afford school fees even with a scholarship fee discount. If you would like to apply for a bursary, please contact us for a bursary application form.
Pupils in receipt of other fee concessions (e.g. sibling discount) or who apply for and attain more than one scholarship only receive the higher of the discounts, they do not aggregate.
Scholarships are offered each year following assessment in the January of Year 6 for external candidates and in the June of Year 6 for internal candidates.
Scholarships are awarded in:
Academics (based on performance in Summer Term Baccalaureate exams)
An All-rounder award (two disciplines & academic excellence)
Art & Design
Performing Arts (Music & Drama)
Detailed requirements for each award are specified later in this document.